1. Blog with consistent
Make up your mind first on how often you will make posts on your blog. If you want to do it twice a day, or once a day, or once every 2 days or just once a week - decide this and then stick to it. Don’t post everyday for a few days and then do nothing at all for a week. You will lose whatever repeat “sticky” traffic you could get.
2. Be passionate about your topic
You have to be passionate about what you blog. You should be knowledgable about your niche blogging topic, and keep updated. If you are not passionate about your blog, you will probably not excite your readers.
3. Interact with readers
Allow your readers to post questions directly to you and reach you if needed. Don’t alienate yourself from them. Many readers may want to get in touch with you and ask you questions. Listen to them, and help them out! Blogging is a two way street. Involve your readers and they will be loyal to you. Build two way relationships!
4. Don’t be afraid to link out
If you see and read a good posting or article elsewhere, link to it! This may seem contrary to popular belief and at first it looks like you are channeling traffic away from your site at the risk of getting your readers hooked elsewhere. But by providing valuable links to other stories, you are gaining authority and credibility by showing that you know what is happening around you. Readers will love you for referring them to other stories, and will come back for more stuff if you send them to quality articles in the sea of poor content.
5. Build Your Blog Brand
Whatever you choose to call your blog - make sure you have your own domain name and not a subdomain on say for example yourname.blogspot.com . That just doesn’t work in the long run for serious bloggers. Take control of all you can do with free blog software like Wordpress and install them on your domain - it takes less than an hour and you can easily contract out someone for as little as $50 to install it. Having your own domain name gives you your unique brand, and allows you to stand out from the crowd.
6. Be a good writer
Communicate your thoughts and ideas in well structured English. Some people take longer than others to express their thoughts. It’s ok to have a few typos as its acceptable by blog readers. But don’t have too many typos. People are interested in the content. Be clear and to the point - and don’t ramble on and on repetitively.
7. Read other blogs in your industry
See what other competing blogs are writing. Read a LOT. Reading is something you must do. Visit websites that are related to your blog topics and get ideas from them - but never copy them word for word. It’s ok to summarize another bloggers post in your own words, and saying the same thing in your way.